The PA341 is low cost, high voltage power amplifier. This MOSFET operational amplifier achieves performance features previously found only in hybrid designs while increasing reliability. Inputs are protected from excessive common mode and differential mode voltages. The safe operating area (SOA) has no second breakdown limitation and can be observed with all type loads by choosing an appropriate current limiting resistor. External compensation provides the user flexibility in choosing optimum gain and bandwidth for the application.
The PA341CE is packaged in a hermetically-sealed 8-pin TO-3 package. The metal case of the PA341CE is isolated in excess of full supply voltage.
The PA341DF is packaged in a 24-pin PSOP (JEDEC MO-166) package with a metal heat slug that is isolated in excess of full supply voltage.
The PA341DW is packaged in 10-pin hermetic ceramic SIP package or “PowerSIP.” The alumina ceramic base used in this package isolates the die in excess of full supply voltage.