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250V, 13.6A Power Amplifier with Exceptional Power Dissipation

  • Wide supply range (±25 V to ±75 V)
  • High output current – 3.5 A
  • High slew rate – 400 V/μs
  • Excellent power bandwidth – 600 kHz
  • Two amplifier channels, fully independent
  • Programmable gain
Apex Microtechnology's CD64, a 250 V, 13.6 A Power Amplifier with Exceptional Power Dissipation

The CD64 is a dual channel power booster designed to provide voltage and current gain for a small signal, general purpose operational amplifier. Including the power booster within the feedback loop of the driving amplifier allows one to achieve the accuracy of the driver and the extended output current capability of the power booster. The output stage utilizes complementary MOSFETs, providing symmetrical output impedance and eliminating secondary breakdown limitations imposed by Bipolar Junction Transistors. While configuration of the booster can be simple, enormous flexibility is provided through the choice of driver amplifier, current limit and supply voltage.

See how the CD64 fits your system requirements Use our Power Design Tool to assist with designing high power analog circuits. Apex Microtechnology's Power Design Tool