The PA162 is a quad power operational amplifier featuring a quad output of 1.5A continuous current on 5V to 40V single supplies. The product design for the PA162 utilizes both monolithic and hybrid technologies by placing two dual amplifier ICs in a surface mount 20-pin PSOP, JEDEC MO-166-AB package. The result is a cost effective solution for applications requiring multiple amplifiers per board or bridge mode configurations. Four independent amplifiers coupled with low quiescent current and very low THD makes this an ideal low distortion 4-channel audio amplifier for applications such as laptops and computer speakers.
Built-in thermal shutdown allows the PA162 to self-protect against thermal overloads. Care must be exercised to observe the Safe Operating Area (SOA) curve and proper heatsinking will ensure maximum reliability. The wide common mode input range includes the negative rail, facilitating single supply applications. This makes it possible to have a ground based input driving a single supply amplifier with ground acting as the second or bottom supply of the amplifier.